
Saturday, March 10, 2018


"अमानित्वं" (BG 13.7) - "भावो मानित्वं आत्मनः श्लाधनं तदभावः अमानित्वं" (Sh.)
"अदम्भितवं" (BG 13.7)  - "स्वधर्म प्रकटी करणं दम्भितवं तदभावः अदम्भितवं" (Sh.)

It is necessary to have clarity and discrimination to distinguish between ego and humility.

Humility is an attitude, subtler than even a feeling. It is very refined, you need to have keen sensitivity to see it.
A child who expresses happiness to his friends and family in completing a beautiful painting isn't a display of ego, but an innocent, humble expression of joy.

Humility is being natural, it comes from your innermost nature, the Self. Whereas ego comes from a sense of being a separate identity, "I", "my", and "mine".
If the same painting was shown to others with an attitude of "I did this", in wanting recognition, then it is a desire to pamper the ego.

Now suppose you don't want to be egoistic, or display pride, seem egoistic to others and want to be a humble person, so you deliberately hide your joy and fulfillment. Is that being humble? No.
You can't make an effort at being humble, either you are or you aren't, simple! It can't come with effort. Humility has to be your nature, and it is your true nature once you realize this. It is ego that makes an effort.
It takes a keen intellect to see the distinction between humility and "I"-ness.

How about if you are a private person, shy about showing your painting to others because you like to keep things to yourself and don't feel as though you are a part of everyone else. Is shyness a sign of humility? No. It comes from a feeling of separation from others, which is individuality; me and others.
Love is when you consider others as your own. Where there is love there can be no ego.

The obvious display of ego is showing off to others, arrogance, pride, selfish, self-centeredness, considering the other lower than you, and thinking you are higher than the other, and so on. Ego means a sense of "I", the ignorance that each one is a separate identity composed of body, mind, intellect. Ignorance of your true nature makes us think that there are many individual identities.
A person who is humble always has an attitude of service towards others, love for all, harms none, has a willingness to learn, and most of all has faith and reverence in the Supreme. A liberated soul sees all as one, like cells in the body of God.

Can there be ego about virtues you possess? "I am so giving," or "Oh! I'm so humble" - now that's an oxymoron! Need to distinguish between the "I am..." and the virtue. Where do virtues originate from? The Self. All virtues are inherent in consciousness. You can never attain a virtue because they are already your true nature. We just need to purify ourselves of all that blocks them from shining.
Humility is in knowing that virtues are universal to all, and originate from the Supreme Source.
Look, examine, and see the distinction between the idea of who "I" is, and what your true nature is. That is "Vivek" - discriminatory wisdom.

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